View hotel
Basilius Cathedral 01
Basilius Cathedral 02
Basilius Cathedral 03
Basilius Cathedral 04
Shopping centre
Flo on the Kremlin
area 01
Flo on the Kremlin
area 02
Flo on the Red Square
Flo in front of the Basilius Cathedral
Flo in front of the Kremlin 01
Flo in front of the Kremlin 02
Group photo in front of the Basilius Cathedral
Kremlin outside 01
Kremlin outside 02
Kremlin outside 03
Kremlin outside 04
Kremlin area 01
Kremlin area 02
Kremlin area 03
Kremlin area 04
Kremlin area 05
Kremlin area 06
Kremlin area 07
Kremlin area 08
Red Square 01
Red Square 02
Red Square 03
Red Square 04
Red Square 05
Red Square out of the
hotel 01
Red Square out of the
hotel 02
Red Square out of the hotel 03
Red Square by night
City 01
City 02
City 03
City 04
City 05
Flea market 01
Flea market 02
University out of the hotel 01
University out of the
hotel 02

Zar Kolokol bell
The capital of Russia